Cross Border Rail Solution

In line with China’s aggressive “One Road, One Belt” initiative, Precision Global Logistics has seen an increase in demand for its Cross-Border Train Freight (CBTF). Precision Global Logistics’ CBTF service offers customers with routes that connect China with Europe, Central Asia, and Russia. Precision Global Logistics’ experienced team is ready to offer a safe and stable alternative to the traditional Air and Ocean transportation method.
Precision Global Logistics Case Study:
Precision Global Logistics arranged for transportation of nine containers of high value furniture from Germany to Zhengzhou. Then by road freight to the destination in Beijing. The containers were only 14 days in transit, compared to the usual 30 days it takes to be shipped by ocean from Hamburg to Tianjin. While costs were reduced by an impressive 70% compared to air freight. All issues that arose were swiftly and efficiently managed by Precision Global Logistics, while the customer was kept informed of the progress at every stage, which exceeding the customer’s expectations.
Let’s Get Started
For more information please call us at 866-744-7187 or request information from below.